TRE releases deep tension from the body by evoking a self-controlled muscular shaking process called neurogenic tremors. This shaking originates deep in the core of the body, starting in the psoas muscles. These gentle tremors reverberate outwards along the spine, releasing tension from the sacrum to the cranium.
The technique can becomes a quick and effective method for consistent relaxation. Eventually, these tremors will evoke themselves naturally in a rest position to reduce any stress or tension that was accumulated over the course of the day.
Meditation, satsang and rest are all woven into the schedule. You will have plenty of time to integrate.
Expect journaling & guided meditation, TRE practice session & swadyaya (self-study) to find this release & relief.
Early bird pricing $150 until 12/3, $175 after.
TRE is being used by thousands of people around the world as an effective tool for releasing chronic traumatic stress, physical tension and emotional trauma. It is also quickly becoming a popular way to release the everyday stress, tension, and anxiety that evolves from the daily pressures of life.
PLACE: Sault Haus
HOPEWELL, NJ, 08525, [email protected]
FEE: $150 until 12/3, $175 after.
Trauma and Tension Reducing Exercises
It is a couragous thing that you are seeking to do- navigating chronic tension and the aftershocks of your trauma can a be scary and uncomfortable. It is best done with an ally; someone whose energy and way of working resonates with you.
Your relationship with your teacher and guide is central when trying to release core tension, and perhaps trauma. If trust, safety, and comfort are not present, things won’t progress as smoothly or as quickly as you might like.
So that you can work to your fullest potential, I offer a free, no-strings-attached 15-minute consultation by phone or Zoom. I am not interviewing you. You are interviewing me. Your consultation will give you the information you need to make the best choice in your therapy, and I will work with you to make sure you have options that are the most comfortable for you.
Sign up for your free consultation by clicking the yellow button below.
Thank you. I look forward to working with you
- Bonnie Pariser, TRE Provider, CYT, SYT, 1000hr ERYT
Your relationship with your teacher and guide is central when trying to release core tension, and perhaps trauma. If trust, safety, and comfort are not present, things won’t progress as smoothly or as quickly as you might like.
So that you can work to your fullest potential, I offer a free, no-strings-attached 15-minute consultation by phone or Zoom. I am not interviewing you. You are interviewing me. Your consultation will give you the information you need to make the best choice in your therapy, and I will work with you to make sure you have options that are the most comfortable for you.
Sign up for your free consultation by clicking the yellow button below.
Thank you. I look forward to working with you
- Bonnie Pariser, TRE Provider, CYT, SYT, 1000hr ERYT
Client Testimonials:
I wanted to let you know that I really have noted I'm not in pain. I attribute it to the work we have done. I cannot thank you enough!
I can lift my arm up without pain, and my right hip isn't hurting. I just am so grateful. Thank you so much.
I love how it liberates my life force and helps me sleep. My muscles totally let go. I felt how my hand and feet chakras were open like the energy had been pouring out of them during the tremoring. They were pulsing too. I feel so soothed and comforted by this work. I have deep knowing that it's the care that I've been missing. My body is so wise and knows what to do.
I am noticing a lot of muscle tension relief. Last night I was able to let go of tension relating to a client emergency which was really great. I'm also noticing a level of peace that I haven't had previously. I feel more able to accept life and enjoy the good parts.
I wanted to let you know that I really have noted I'm not in pain. I attribute it to the work we have done. I cannot thank you enough!
I can lift my arm up without pain, and my right hip isn't hurting. I just am so grateful. Thank you so much.
I love how it liberates my life force and helps me sleep. My muscles totally let go. I felt how my hand and feet chakras were open like the energy had been pouring out of them during the tremoring. They were pulsing too. I feel so soothed and comforted by this work. I have deep knowing that it's the care that I've been missing. My body is so wise and knows what to do.
I am noticing a lot of muscle tension relief. Last night I was able to let go of tension relating to a client emergency which was really great. I'm also noticing a level of peace that I haven't had previously. I feel more able to accept life and enjoy the good parts.
Click here to see Bonnie working with TRE:
$125 for one hour, $325 for 3 one hour sessions, $575 for 5 one hour sessions, paid in advance
What is TRE?
TRE stands for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
TRE is a simple technique, developed by Dr. David Berceli, that uses exercises to release stress or tension from the body that accumulate from every day circumstances of life, from difficult situations, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic life experiences (i.e., natural disasters, social or domestic violence).
TRE releases deep tension from the body by evoking a self-controlled muscular shaking process neurogenic muscle tremors. This shaking originates deep in the core of the body, in the psoas muscles. These gentle tremors reverberate outwards along the spine, releasing tension from the sacrum to the cranium.
The technique can becomes a quick and effective method for consistent relaxation. Eventually, these tremors will become accessible in a rest position and can be used to release any stress or tension that was accumulated over the course of the day.
TRE is being used by thousands of people around the world as an effective tool for releasing chronic traumatic stress, physical tension and emotional trauma. It is also quickly becoming a popular way to release the everyday stress, tension, and anxiety that evolves from the daily pressures of life.
Who Can Benefit from TRE?
Since this shaking mechanism in the muscles is part of our natural behavior as humans, everyone can benefit from TRE. This shaking of the muscles, or neurogenic tremors, increases the resiliency of the body as it causes deep relaxation that naturally reduces stress levels. It can release emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety whether it is caused by work stress, excessive worry, conflict in relationships, physical stresses or traumas from accidents. Additionally, TRE has been reported to reduce pain, increase mobility and aid in the healing of past injuries.
Read research papers on TRE
Read about Dr. David Berceli
"Resolving past traumas delivers us into the future. Through the unending cycle of trauma recovery, the human species learns how to adapt to life threatening situations. This process of adaptation makes the species stronger and wiser to protect it from future traumatic episodes. If we did not possess this natural evolutionary instinct, we would have died as a species shortly after we were born. Trauma recovery is as natural and common as trauma itself. Accepting this sometimes unpleasant fact of life allows us to see trauma in a new light… Only by letting go can we unlock ourselves from the past, be delivered into the future and prepare ourselves for our next evolutionary experience".- Dr. Berceli
TRE stands for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
TRE is a simple technique, developed by Dr. David Berceli, that uses exercises to release stress or tension from the body that accumulate from every day circumstances of life, from difficult situations, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic life experiences (i.e., natural disasters, social or domestic violence).
TRE releases deep tension from the body by evoking a self-controlled muscular shaking process neurogenic muscle tremors. This shaking originates deep in the core of the body, in the psoas muscles. These gentle tremors reverberate outwards along the spine, releasing tension from the sacrum to the cranium.
The technique can becomes a quick and effective method for consistent relaxation. Eventually, these tremors will become accessible in a rest position and can be used to release any stress or tension that was accumulated over the course of the day.
TRE is being used by thousands of people around the world as an effective tool for releasing chronic traumatic stress, physical tension and emotional trauma. It is also quickly becoming a popular way to release the everyday stress, tension, and anxiety that evolves from the daily pressures of life.
Who Can Benefit from TRE?
Since this shaking mechanism in the muscles is part of our natural behavior as humans, everyone can benefit from TRE. This shaking of the muscles, or neurogenic tremors, increases the resiliency of the body as it causes deep relaxation that naturally reduces stress levels. It can release emotions ranging from mild upset to severe anxiety whether it is caused by work stress, excessive worry, conflict in relationships, physical stresses or traumas from accidents. Additionally, TRE has been reported to reduce pain, increase mobility and aid in the healing of past injuries.
Read research papers on TRE
Read about Dr. David Berceli
"Resolving past traumas delivers us into the future. Through the unending cycle of trauma recovery, the human species learns how to adapt to life threatening situations. This process of adaptation makes the species stronger and wiser to protect it from future traumatic episodes. If we did not possess this natural evolutionary instinct, we would have died as a species shortly after we were born. Trauma recovery is as natural and common as trauma itself. Accepting this sometimes unpleasant fact of life allows us to see trauma in a new light… Only by letting go can we unlock ourselves from the past, be delivered into the future and prepare ourselves for our next evolutionary experience".- Dr. Berceli
Special rate:
Important! If you are going to be participating in an online TRE session, please download these instructions on how to place yourself for the best results. |
This is the official TRE video showing the preparation excercises for tremoring

Whether you are a parent/spouse who would like more patience with your family, a victim of violence or accident, a soldier suffering with PTSD, or simply a person who wants to become more resilient, release tense muscles, and just feel better about life, you can benefit TRE.
Reported Benefits from TRE Include:
• Less Worry & Anxiety
• Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
• More Energy & Endurance
• Improved Marital Relationships
• Less Workplace Stress
• Better Sleep
• Less Relationship Conflict
• Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
• Increased Flexibility
• Greater Emotional Resiliency
• Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
• Healing of Old Injuries
• Lessened Anxiety Surrounding Serious Illness
• Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
Reported Benefits from TRE Include:
• Less Worry & Anxiety
• Reduces Symptoms of PTSD
• More Energy & Endurance
• Improved Marital Relationships
• Less Workplace Stress
• Better Sleep
• Less Relationship Conflict
• Reduced Muscle & Back Pain
• Increased Flexibility
• Greater Emotional Resiliency
• Decreases Symptoms of Vicarious Trauma
• Healing of Old Injuries
• Lessened Anxiety Surrounding Serious Illness
• Relief from Chronic Medical Conditions
TRE and Parkinsons
TRE and Essential tremors
TRE with Columbian Army Veterans
TRE and Fibromyalgia
TRE and Anxiety
TRE and Essential tremors
TRE with Columbian Army Veterans
TRE and Fibromyalgia
TRE and Anxiety