Module Training
Need to take your time to complete a training? Or just interested in certain aspects of the training to enrich your path? You can register for one part of the training at a time. See below:

The training runs in 4 blocks
These blocks can be taken consecutively or over a period of time. All must be completed in order to be granted a 200 hour Teacher Training Certificate
Your Mysterious and Magical Body
Embodied physical and subtle Anatomy-
In this intensive we will learn a lot about our bodies.
We will use the joint freeing series and the Structural Yoga Therapy 24 poses to learn basic muscular anatomy through embodied learning- that is you will feel your muscles in your body, and so you will know where they are. No need to memorize or study pictures in books. This method of learning will be a welcome relief from theoretical and book learning.
We will also study kinesiology- what do the muscles do, when are they stretching, when are they contracting, when are they at rest? Through this understanding you can target your own weaknesses and range of motion, and with this information we can make some changes. You might even be able to heal old injuries! You will be able to continue to address what your body needs are as you continue a much deeper relationship with this very body.
Also covered-
Subtle anatomy:
Prana- its function and its movements and how we can support proper, beneficial and healing movement
Koshas- the model of our multi-dimensional selves.
Pranayama- how we can use breathing for healing.
September: Friday 22nd, Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th
October: Friday 6th, Saturday 7th, Sunday 8th
1 hour private session and 1 (or more) hour observed private session.
30-day unlimited class block included
Friday night classes run from 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday classes - 12-7 pm
Sunday classes - 12-6 pm
Asana Immersion
Get detailed the about your asanas
Prerequisite - Your Mysterious and Magical Body
In this block we study the basic and complex asanas found in yoga classes and home practices.
Hip openers, standing poses, balance poses, seated, back bends, inversions, etc.
We will learn the benefits, contraindications, pranic movements, therapeutic applications, and kinesiology.
You will know enough to practice the poses safely and effectively at home.
You will also understand how to modify the pose for yourself during a class or home practice to help heal an injury, and improve your range of motion, or just to experience something new.
October: Sunday 15th, Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd
November: Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th, Sunday 12th
Friday night classes run from 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday classes - 12-7 pm Sunday classes - 12-6 pm
4 observations, 1 (or more) observed privates
2 30-day unlimited class blocks included
Spiritual Studies
Sadhana group
September 30th and October 1st 12:30-6:30 pm - Ganesha Sadhana with Parvathi
December: 1st 6:30-9:00 pm - topic TBD
January: 6th & 7th 12:30-6:30 pm - topic TBD
20.5 hours
Recordings will be provided if you are unable to attend in person.
200 hr Teacher Training Certifying Module
Pulling it all together
Embodied Asana using SYT
Asana Immersion
Spiritual Studies
In this portion of the immersion you will learn and practice cuing, assisting, sequencing a class, therapeutic modifications and applications, the business of Yoga, and the ethics of teaching. You will also put together and present practice classes, assist in class, practice In Class Privates and more. Homework assignments, studio visits, class observations are given and will be completed during independent study time. You will be pulling together all of the work from the pre-requisit classes. This last 65 hours will qualify you for a 200 hour Teacher Training Certificate
December: Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th, Sunday 17th
January: Saturday 13th, Sunday 14th, Sunday 21st, Sunday 28th
February: Saturday 3rd, Sunday 4th, Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th, Saturday 24th, Sunday 25th
Saturday and Sunday classes run from 12:30-6:30
8 class observations and class assists
3 ICP’s given, 3 received (minimum)
1 private observed
2 10 class blocks included
200 hour: add $450 for this module If all prerequisite are taken consecutively.
(**$1050 - If you are taking this module as part of another training, or finishing up your training)
300 hour: $1400. (Total 300 hour is $4500 before discounts.) $100 Early registration discount until 7/15. $100 discount for graduates of YL. $100 discount for full tuition payment by September 22th. After Feb. 25th, remaining 100 hours will be apprenticeship-based.
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