Saturday, August 17th, 2019 - 9 am to 12 pm
TRE Workshop, Princeton Center for Yoga and Health
TRE (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.
During this retreat day we will have a lot of time to practice tremoring as a group and with partners.
Bonnie will demonstrate some benefits of interventions while tremoring and show you some you can do for yourself at home. We will also learn some of the science behind the tremors and their benefits. This will be a great opportunity to learn about TRE and how you can tailor the practice to meet your needs.
It will be fun and chances are you will feel pretty relaxed and inspired at the end of the day
$50 if paid by August 2nd, $65 after.
Bonnie Pariser has been teaching yoga since 1999, a practicing yoga therapist since 2005 and a TRE practitioner since 2014. Trained directly by Dr. David Berceli, founder of TRE, she has used this therapeutic technique to help clients move towards complete healing in body, mind and spirit. Her apporach integrates the contemporary understanding of trauma with the ancient therapeutic traditions of yoga. Bonnie owns and runs Yoga Loka, the oldest yoga studio and spiritual center in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. As a Structural Yoga therapist she has helped clients find increased range of motion at the physical level and with TRE she helps clients increase mental, emotional and spiritual range as well.
During this retreat day we will have a lot of time to practice tremoring as a group and with partners.
Bonnie will demonstrate some benefits of interventions while tremoring and show you some you can do for yourself at home. We will also learn some of the science behind the tremors and their benefits. This will be a great opportunity to learn about TRE and how you can tailor the practice to meet your needs.
It will be fun and chances are you will feel pretty relaxed and inspired at the end of the day
$50 if paid by August 2nd, $65 after.
Bonnie Pariser has been teaching yoga since 1999, a practicing yoga therapist since 2005 and a TRE practitioner since 2014. Trained directly by Dr. David Berceli, founder of TRE, she has used this therapeutic technique to help clients move towards complete healing in body, mind and spirit. Her apporach integrates the contemporary understanding of trauma with the ancient therapeutic traditions of yoga. Bonnie owns and runs Yoga Loka, the oldest yoga studio and spiritual center in Hunterdon County, New Jersey. As a Structural Yoga therapist she has helped clients find increased range of motion at the physical level and with TRE she helps clients increase mental, emotional and spiritual range as well.