Your Mysterious and Magical Body
Embodied Physical and Subtle Anatomy-
Your Mysterious and Magical Body
In this intensive we will learn a lot about our bodies.
We will use the joint freeing series and the Structural Yoga Therapy 24 poses to learn basic muscular anatomy through embodied learning- that is you will feel your muscles in your body, and so you will know where they are. No need to memorize or study pictures in books. This method of learning will be a welcome relief from theoretical and book learning.
We will also study kinesiology- what do the muscles do, when are they stretching, when are they contracting, when are they at rest? Through this understanding you can target your own weaknesses and range of motion, and with this information we can make some changes. You might even be able to heal old injuries! You will be able to continue to address what your body needs are as you continue a much deeper relationship with this very body.
Also covered-
Subtle anatomy:
Prana- its function and its movements and how we can support proper, beneficial and healing movement
Koshas- the model of our multi-dimensional selves.
Pranayama- how we can use breathing for healing.
33 hours-
31 hours class and lecture time
1 hour private session and 1 (or more) hour observed private session.
30-day unlimited class block included
September 9th, 10th, 11th,
September 23rd, 24th, 25th
Friday night classes run from 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday classes- 12-7 pm
Sunday classes- 12-6 pm
Embodied Physical and Subtle Anatomy-
Your Mysterious and Magical Body
In this intensive we will learn a lot about our bodies.
We will use the joint freeing series and the Structural Yoga Therapy 24 poses to learn basic muscular anatomy through embodied learning- that is you will feel your muscles in your body, and so you will know where they are. No need to memorize or study pictures in books. This method of learning will be a welcome relief from theoretical and book learning.
We will also study kinesiology- what do the muscles do, when are they stretching, when are they contracting, when are they at rest? Through this understanding you can target your own weaknesses and range of motion, and with this information we can make some changes. You might even be able to heal old injuries! You will be able to continue to address what your body needs are as you continue a much deeper relationship with this very body.
Also covered-
Subtle anatomy:
Prana- its function and its movements and how we can support proper, beneficial and healing movement
Koshas- the model of our multi-dimensional selves.
Pranayama- how we can use breathing for healing.
33 hours-
31 hours class and lecture time
1 hour private session and 1 (or more) hour observed private session.
30-day unlimited class block included
September 9th, 10th, 11th,
September 23rd, 24th, 25th
Friday night classes run from 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday classes- 12-7 pm
Sunday classes- 12-6 pm