I just returned from a weekend with Dr. David Berceli, founder of TRE. He was teaching an introduction course for potential trainers and I had the privilege of assisting. I had taken this module of training many years ago, and I was not at all surprised at the amount of new information Dr. Berceli presented. He is forever inquiring about the tremor mechanism, not just about how people respond and benefit from TRE and the scientific correlations, but also about connectivity and wisdom, and how to best to serve humanity.
We watched new powerpoint presentations (he loves the power point!) and new videos made by people who have benefited from TRE and want to spread the word. We also got to watch Dr. Berceli in action- his skill in guiding people deeper into themselves is only a part of what one learns when observing. The more profound part is witnessing his presence to the client, the compassion that oozes from his every pore, and his joy in assisting people to unfreeze and move back to life. The neurological aspects of these presentations I will admit often go over my head. But some of the new concepts stuck, (just please don't yet ask me to explain! Wait until I come back from the advanced training in July). What David is learning, and the neuroscientists are confirming, is that the TRE mechanism is working to balance and strengthen the executive functioning in our brains. It is strengthening our vagus nerve and enhancing our response to input and stimuli. What does all that mean? It means tremoring can make changes our nervous system that will benefit our ways of behaving, decision making, interacting with society and interacting with our selves. Of course there was review of the old stuff this weekend too. As David's passion is working with Veterans, we got to hear from many, both in person and by video, about how TRE has made life livable again. The anger, rage, fear, sleeplessness and other symptoms of PTSD that followed many of these men and woman back from combat are being reversed with a steady practice. So bring what you have and see how it works for you. Whether you just want to operate your vehicle with more ease, efficiency and peace, or you have some mild to serious stress, tension or trauma, TRE can be what you have been looking for. Group sessions are coming to your location (check the workshop section for dates) and if privates seem more suitable for your situation, as they are for many, lets make an appointment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELzZphP42IQ TRE and Parkinsons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HrEUoXM5qA TRE and Essential tremors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBLoK7nUZwQ TRE with Columbian Army Veterans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXFBTFWoseE TRE and Fibromyalgia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asa_pFCiS5Y TRE and Anxiety
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